Nothing matches...
Most of it comes from Italy...
Some from Poland...
A few pieces from Tunisia,
France, England, and Germany...
And some by way of T J Maxx...
The stack of plates to the left are all different.
All fine china, but different.
My mother started a collection of mismatched,
fine china dinner plates many years ago.
It was always fun to pick a plate.
I still love looking at her plates
and choosing one,
depending on my mood...
I have had such fun collecting pieces that spoke to my heart...
It never mattered to me that nothing matched.
Many remind me of trips,
and treasure hunting.
What really matters is coming home to what you love...
There are no decorating rules in this houses.
The only rule is this;
"We must really love it,
or we must really need it."
I must remind Traveling Man to never buy
just because the price is cheap.
Remember our rule, I say to him.
Otherwise, he might bring home a box of snow globes,
and porcelain dolls.
Bless his heart.
He did that once.
Funniest thing....I can't seem to let them go.
I find myself picking up his snow globes,
turning the music box key,
and listening.
Our three little grand daughters
love the beautiful dolls that Papa bought.
We have another rule.
We only keep it if it is needed, we love it,
or it has special meaning.
I suppose that makes my old kitchen cupboard
a very special treasure chest,
because it is filled with only the things
that I love,
and many with very special meaning.
Beautifully written! I love your photo of the stack of plates :)
Thank you so much for that sweet comment, and thanks for dropping in to my little place beneath a southern sky.
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