Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Life's Simple Pleasures

We can find a world of miracles
in the simplest of things
Like the wonder and the pleasure
that a sunrise often brings...
The ocean's sound in seashells,
rainbows bending in the sky,
The fluttering of bird's wings
when they first begin to fly,
The twinkle of a starry night
as the moon winks off to sleep,
And the cycle of the seasons
leaving memories that we keep...
Poem By Emily Matthews

May you have many blessings and simple pleasures...


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Had to laugh when I saw these pics -- reminded me of myself in Jr. High: tall, lanky, and always dancing around.

Thanks for the smile. : D

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I love your images. This cool fall morning in Tennessee and you make me think of the ocean. It has been many years since I walked the beach. You reminded me - it has to happen again. Thank you!!

Marcie said...

I love this long-legged character! Isn't he fun?! :)