Sunday, August 12, 2018

Fields of Gold, Light and Love

Finding beauty in the small things...
Smell the air, and feel the sky...
Let your soul and spirit fly...
Wild gypsy soul...
Stop thinking,
and let God rush in...
HE will fill you up with more
than you know what to do with...
Soak it in...feel it...
Send it to them...
Light and love...
Create beauty...
Pray...Send out more love...
Feel God rush in...
Be one with nature...the universal power...
Be still and know that I am God.

A lesson in the art of living...


Summer's End is Nearing

Capturing every last moment of those precious summer days...
Picnics under the old peach tree...
Barefoot in the soft grass...
Lightening bugs in a jar...
Mud pies...
Peaches ripened and warm from the summer sun...
Peaches and cream...
Peach cobbler...
Baseball in the back yard...
Butterflies and flowers...
Sitting in a tree...dreaming...
Ice cream...
Fresh country air...

Sunkissed faces...
Freckles placed there by angel kisses...

Rocking chairs and porch time...
Water fountains splashing...
The sound of a tractor...a bumble bee...
Tomato Pies...
Cornbread Salad...
A southern sunset...
Twilight in the country...
Serenaded by the night orchestra...crickets...bull frogs...
Open windows, and screen doors that bang...

The problems of the world seem far away
from this tranquil country setting...
When I enter the driveway gates,
I feel such a sense of peaceful relaxation...
Summertime in the country is God's medicine for the soul...

The perfect place for that morning cup of coffee,
and bird song...
Or moon and stargazing
with a glass of wine...

Inspiring thoughts from the country house...

Bring a dream to life...

Be inspired...look for it...pass it on...


Sunday, March 4, 2018

First Kiss of Spring

For a moment
I am seven years old,
climbing in fragrant trees
with gorgeous blooms...
The sky is deep blue...
It is almost twilight,
and a full moon is rising...
Spring is coming...
Spring is coming...
Fairies are dancing in the daffodillies...
Joy is everywhere...
A season of new beginnings...


Saturday, January 13, 2018

My Haven...My Retreat...

Our little countryside community
must be one of the most serene...
My beloved country house...
We've traveled the world,
but we always return here for a lifetime...
Home to me... my grandmother...
My mother was born on this property in the 1920s,
and before my mother and my grandmother,
my great-grandmother.
I love the country lane that takes me home...
A day in January can bring the occasional snow storm...
It is enchanting...
The firelight...
The candlelight...
Delicious coffee...
Flannel pajamas...
A book, and a lambs wool blanket...
I believe winter becomes us.
It provides the peace I need.
Serene within...
My home...enchanted cottage...
A world away.

It is good to be home,
and it is good to have time to write again.

In creative writing they insist you write

I haven't written in days...weeks...months...
never stop.
Write when you can, and when you must.
Never, ever stop dreaming...
you can change your dreams a thousand times,
but never stop dreaming...
And never stop writing.
